Monthly Archives: January 2013

On being a photographer, by bill jay and david hurn

I’d heard of David Hurn before but never really seen any of his work, so I was looking forward to reading this with interest. It turns out to have been the book that I have enjoyed reading the most so far in my OCS studies and I’d wish I’d read it earlier. For the most […]


One of the things that I found most interesting when reading the introduction to this course was the idea that the work on this course will be as much about social relationships as about photography. The idea of photographing people in various guises, such as people aware and people unaware, has made me very enthusiastic […]

Where I find inspiration…..……

Studying The Art of Photography led me to many places and a lot of photographers, many of whose work I liked, but some I didn’t. I remember getting really stuck for a while on Part Three of TAOP which dealt with colour. I’d been focusing on B&W for a long time, so to suddenly have […]

Can’t wait to get started!

With the final assignment of TAOP gone off on  DVD to my tutor, I decided that the time was right to make a start on People and Place. Whilst I enjoyed TAOP and learned a vast amount, there was always this feeling that P&P was the one I really wanted to do. It seemed like a […]


A great site

Steve McCurry Curated

Steve's body of work spans conflicts, vanishing cultures, ancient traditions and contemporary culture alike - yet always retains the human element.

Being Margaret

Life, Insights and Observations Through Writing and Art


Photography by Manos,

my world

A journey in photography

Digital Photographic Practice

My OCA Learning Log by Julie Harding

Shannon A. Thompson

Author. Speaker. Librarian.

Lerpy's Photography Log

OCA Level 1 - People and Place


OCA - People and place


OCA - Digital Photographic Practice


musings on the photographic experiences of keith greenough

Dave Bartlett DPP

Photography BA (Hons) : Open College of the Arts

Lerpy's Photography Log

OCA Level 1 - The Art of Photography


discussing photographic art


OCA - The Art Of Photography


'The camera always points both ways. In expressing the subject, you also express yourself.' Freeman Patterson (photographer)


This is my Learning Log for The Art of Photography (TAOP)