Category Musings

Something different…. Is this what I’m after?

As I’ve already pointed out, I have a great deal of interest in child portraiture, (both posed, formal portraiture, and images which have narrative), and I’m always on the lookout for inspiration and ideas, especially things that get my own kids involved and enjoying themselves without the constant battle it seems to be with children […]

Sally Mann

Sally Mann is one of the photographers that my tutor recommended I look at in her feedback from Assignment One as I try to develop child portraiture and where to go with it. Sharon recommended Mann’s series ‘At Twelve’ which consists of portraits of young girls on the cusp of their teenage years, but I […]

Looking Ahead to The Assignment

So I’ve really made some inroads into this section of the course in the past week. After months of stagnation and frustration, I seem to have worked my way back into enjoying what I’m doing in regards to OCA studies. I mentioned in a previous post about my idea to use daily life at a […]

People Unaware

I’ve always been interested in street photography and candid portraiture, so it was a surprise to me that I found it really hard to get myself motivated for this section of the course. I’ve been through slumps in productivity before, but never for this long. Of course, this time I have a reasonable excuse in […]

LOng time, no see

It’s been a while since I updated this blog, and I also need to apologize to people who have e-mailed me and commented on here.  I’d just gotten back into the swing of People and Place and had nearly finished Assignment One, when I had a bit of a nasty motorbike crash, (Silly driver ignored […]

In a Rut…………..

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been very active at all over the last couple of months regarding this course and the OCA forums etc. Work has been so busy, and I barely have time to even pick up my camera, much less process images etc. I’ve tried to get back into P&P, as […]

Where I find inspiration…..……

Studying The Art of Photography led me to many places and a lot of photographers, many of whose work I liked, but some I didn’t. I remember getting really stuck for a while on Part Three of TAOP which dealt with colour. I’d been focusing on B&W for a long time, so to suddenly have […]

Can’t wait to get started!

With the final assignment of TAOP gone off on  DVD to my tutor, I decided that the time was right to make a start on People and Place. Whilst I enjoyed TAOP and learned a vast amount, there was always this feeling that P&P was the one I really wanted to do. It seemed like a […]


A great site

Steve McCurry Curated

Steve's body of work spans conflicts, vanishing cultures, ancient traditions and contemporary culture alike - yet always retains the human element.

Being Margaret

Life, Insights and Observations Through Writing and Art


Photography by Manos,

my world

A journey in photography

Digital Photographic Practice

My OCA Learning Log by Julie Harding

Shannon A. Thompson

Author. Speaker. Librarian.

Lerpy's Photography Log

OCA Level 1 - People and Place


OCA - People and place


OCA - Digital Photographic Practice


musings on the photographic experiences of keith greenough

Dave Bartlett DPP

Photography BA (Hons) : Open College of the Arts

Lerpy's Photography Log

OCA Level 1 - The Art of Photography


discussing photographic art


OCA - The Art Of Photography


'The camera always points both ways. In expressing the subject, you also express yourself.' Freeman Patterson (photographer)


This is my Learning Log for The Art of Photography (TAOP)